Teaching Articles:

December 28, 2010
We have previously studied Peter, Andrew, and Philip. Today, we will study
Scripture Reading: John 1:43-51
Memory Verse: John 1:46
Introduction: Nathanael was a good man; but in John 21, he left the ministry under the influence of Peter. He quit fishing for men and started fishing for fish.
Have you ever messed up in your walk with the Lord and just quit? Or wanted to quit? Or just started doing things about half way?
Nathanael’s life can help you

Most scholars agree that Nathanael and Bartholomew were the same man.
Bartholomew was probably his surname. Nathanael means “gift of God” and Bartholomew means “the son of Tolmai.” Therefore, he was Nathanael Bartholomew or Nathanael the son of Tolmai.
Philip brought Nathanael to the Lord. So Philip and Bartholomew are always paired together.
Have you ever brought anyone to the Lord that you are associated with today? It is a great feeling, isn’t it?
Imagine, your name is associated with someone you have led to the Lord. That’s a good way to be remembered.
Don’t quit bringing folk to Christ!
Guileless means he was not deceitful and cunning.
Jesus said Nathanael had no guile (John 1:47).
In other words, he was a good man. He was open and honest. Yet, this good man needed the Lord just as much as the maniac of Gadara.
We seem to think honest people are all right. As a general rule, the good people are the hardest ones to lead to the Lord.
All men are sinners, but all men do not show it in the same way. Some curse like a sailor; others never say a curse word.
Some brag openly about the sin they are going to commit and then go do it. Others never hint of sinning; yet, they commit the same sin as the drunk, the curser, and the braggart.
Remember, God sees and hears it all!
Philip implied Nathanael had been looking for Jesus. He also implied Nathanael had been reading the Old Testament.
Are you looking for Jesus? Are you reading the Word of God?
He knew about Moses and the prophets. He knew the Bible, but he did not know the Christ of the Bible.
Do you know that there were more carpenters who knew how to build an ark better than Noah? The difference was that Noah was inside the ark.
There isn’t much distance between Nazareth and Galilee, but the news of Jesus had not traveled that distance.
Bad news travels fast. Good news travels slow. Have you ever noticed that?
Your family and friends are right next door. Have you told them the good news about Jesus?
He asked, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?”
The truth is Philip misled him. Philip called him Jesus of Nazareth when in truth he was a native of Bethlehem (Micah 5:2).
Philip called him the son of Joseph. The truth is, He was the Son of God (John 3:16).
Remember that Philip had not been saved very long. However, he was eager to tell others about Jesus. He made some mistakes, but God used him in spite of the mistakes. Has the Lord ever done that for you? The lesson is --- tell what you know. Tell folk what Jesus has done for you. Then, tell them what He can do for them.
We are imperfect beings. If men are offended by the Gospel, it should be the Gospel that offends them and not us. We must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
A. Jesus knew Nathanael was a descendant of Joseph (John 1:47).
B. He knew his character (John 1:47). He knew there was no guile in

C. Jesus also knows us. He knows everything about us.
He knew things about Nathanael that no one else knew. He saw Nathanael under the fig tree (John 1:48)
Was that a favorite spot where Nathanael went to pray? Is that where he confessed his sins?
Before the person that led you to the Lord spoke to you, Jesus saw you. Whether you were walking in the woods, doing housework, driving along the highway, Jesus saw you.
Long before you were saved, Jesus saw you.

A. Nathanael trusted Christ and was saved (John 1:49).
He confessed Jesus was the Son of God. It’s just that simple. That’s why it’s a miracle!!
B. Jesus told him that he would see greater things (John 1:50-51).
Trusting Christ is only the beginning. Walking with Him, talking to Him, reading His Word, telling others and waiting for Him to come get us is quite a miracle.
One day, we will be with Him. Let’s take someone with us.
Nathanael quit, but it was only temporary.
It is always too early to quit.
Nathanael accepted the challenge. The challenge was “Come and see.”
Will you?